How to do CPR
How to do CPR
August 30, 2024

How to Perform CPR: A Comprehensive Guide
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving technique that is crucial in emergencies where someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. Knowing how to perform CPR can make the difference between life and death. This blog will guide you through the steps of performing CPR effectively.
What is CPR?
CPR is an emergency procedure that combines chest compressions and artificial ventilation. Its primary purpose is to maintain circulatory flow and oxygenation during cardiac arrest until advanced medical help arrives.
When to Perform CPR
CPR should be performed when a person is unresponsive and not breathing or not breathing normally (e.g., only gasping). It’s crucial to act quickly, as the chances of survival decrease with each passing minute.
Steps to Perform CPR
1. Ensure Safety
Before approaching the person, ensure the scene is safe for both you and the victim. Check for hazards like traffic, fire, or any other danger.
2. Check Responsiveness and ABCs
Try to wake the person up. Clap loudly around the ears and tap the chest. If there is no response, proceed to check for breathing (ABCs) and be prepared to give CPR if there are no signs of breathing.
3. Call for Help
Call emergency services immediately or ask a bystander to do so. Ensure that someone is retrieving an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) if one is available.
4. Open the Airway
Tilt the person's head back slightly to open the airway. Place one hand on the forehead and the other under the chin, then lift. We do this to ensure the airway is open.
5. Check for Breathing
Look, listen, and feel for breathing for no more than 10 seconds. If the person is not breathing or only gasping, begin CPR.
6. Chest Compressions
- Position your hands: Place the heel of one hand on the center of the chest, and place the other hand on top. Interlock your fingers.
- Body position: Position your shoulders directly over your hands and keep your arms straight.
- Compression depth and rate: Push hard and fast. For adult CPR, aim for a depth of about 2 inches (5 cm) and a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute. Allow the chest to fully recoil between compressions.
7. Rescue Breaths
- Give rescue breaths: After 30 compressions, give 2 rescue breaths.
- Pinch the nose shut and open the person's airway.
- Take a normal breath, cover the person’s mouth with yours, and blow until you see the chest rise.
- Give 2 breaths, each lasting about 1 second, allowing the chest to rise and fall.
- Continue cycles: Continue with cycles of 30 compressions and 2 breaths.
8. Use an AED if Available
- Turn on the AED: Follow the voice prompts.
- Attach the pads: Place one pad on the upper right side of the chest and the other on the lower left side.
- Follow instructions: Ensure no one is touching the person while the AED analyzes the heart rhythm. If a shock is advised, follow the instructions to deliver it, then continue CPR immediately.
9. Continue Until Help Arrives
Keep performing CPR until professional help arrives, the person shows signs of life, or you are too exhausted to continue.
Important Tips
- Minimize interruptions: Try to keep interruptions in chest compressions to less than 10 seconds.
- Quality over quantity: Ensure compressions are deep and fast enough, and allow complete chest recoil.
- Seek training: Consider taking a certified CPR course to practice these skills and gain confidence.
Knowing how to perform CPR is a vital skill that can save lives. By following these steps, you can provide crucial assistance in an emergency. Remember, the key is to act quickly and confidently. Your actions can make a significant difference in someone's life. Stay informed, stay prepared, and you could be a lifesaver.
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